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All-student emails are sent out by the Vice President Communications every Monday during the academic year. If you have a brief bulletin that you would like sent to all students, please fill out the form below. Your event can only appear once and will appear in the next email sent out after you submit this form. Bulletins must be brief and the ASU reserves the right to edit bulletins for length. Please note that all paragraph breaks will be collapsed into one large paragraph.


Make sure that you include the contact name, as well as the title, date, place and time of the event.

Don't forget to describe the event a little as well!



Please note that All-Student Emails are for advertising Acadia events only; community events can be listed by contacting the Athenaeum, our campus newspaper, at, to discuss advertising rates, or through the Grapevine or

Please email VP Communications, Suzanne Gray, ( with all of your posting information.


All-Student Emails will be sent out Mondays. If the information is sent before Sunday at midnight, it will be included in Mondays; if the infromation is sent late it will not be sent out until the following week if the event is still applicable. 

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