FEB. 10
By-Election Information:
All Voting members of SRC are required to act as Election Officials during election periods
All Members of SRC are required to act as a neutral body during election periods
Tentative By-Election Dates:
Nomination Period Opens (21 Days before election): Friday September 4th, 2015
Nomination Period Closes (11 days before election day, discounting election day): Monday September 14th, 2015 at 4:30pm
All Candidates Meeting: Monday September 14th, 2015 at 5:00pm in the Michener Lounge
Debate Date (36 hours prior to polls opening): 5:30pm-8:00pm Wednesday September 23rd, 2015 (note 8:00pm is 36 hour mark)
By-Election Date: 8:00 am-6:00pm September 25th, 2015 (A By-Election shall be held annually by or on the last Friday in the month of September)
- Positions Available:
Councilors (6 positions)
Equity Officer
Professional Studies Senator
Acadia Graduate Student Association Faculty Representatives (Excluding Appointed SRC Senator Position) *Tentative*
By-Election Appeals Committee (Determined at the SRC Meeting in May, or first of school term in September):
Vacant, CRO (Chair, Voting Member)
Vacant, Deputy Chair/DCRO (Recording Secretary, non-voting)
Vacant (Executive Representative, voting member)
Vacant (voting member)
Vacant (voting member)